Le stelle sono entrate di prepotenza nella nostra famiglia e nei nostri pensieri!
Vi avevo già raccontato di questa passione del piccolo di casa, uomo ridotto nella statura ma immenso nelle ossessioni, mostrandovi la testiera D.I.Y. del suo lettino.
Ebbene siamo andati avanti e in questi giorni abbiamo approfondito la conoscenza di quei pallini luminosi evocando come racconto della buonanotte le leggende legate ai misteriosi nomi delle costellazioni con l'aiuto di un piccolo gioco ricicloso da tenere a portata di mano vicino al comodino.
Ebbene siamo andati avanti e in questi giorni abbiamo approfondito la conoscenza di quei pallini luminosi evocando come racconto della buonanotte le leggende legate ai misteriosi nomi delle costellazioni con l'aiuto di un piccolo gioco ricicloso da tenere a portata di mano vicino al comodino.
Non che voglia già iniziare a insegnare al piccolo a riconoscere le costellazioni: è troppo presto e ci sarà tutto il tempo, (e a lui questa parte ora ovviamente nemmeno interessa).
Ma le stelle hanno nomi splendidi, e leggende altrettanto belle e così come mio padre le ha narrate a me ora le racconto io a Puki, che di sicuro in compenso è già bravissimo a giocherellare nel lettino per una buona mezz'ora con le lucette, prima di arrendersi al sonno ascoltando una storia!
Ma le stelle hanno nomi splendidi, e leggende altrettanto belle e così come mio padre le ha narrate a me ora le racconto io a Puki, che di sicuro in compenso è già bravissimo a giocherellare nel lettino per una buona mezz'ora con le lucette, prima di arrendersi al sonno ascoltando una storia!
Partiamo dal giochino: si recupera una lattina offrendole qualche giorno di vita in più nel difficile passaggio tra la dispensa e il secchio della differenziata.
Su alcuni cerchi in cartoncino si disegnano le costellazioni facendo buchini in corrispondenza delle stelle.
Si attacca con un pezzetto di nastro la costellazione sul barattolo e si aspetta il buio.
Infilando una pila dentro alla lattina, si proietta sul muro accanto al lettino l'immagine della costellazione protagonista, da far luccicare mentre si raccontano storie e leggende stellari fino al crollo della palpebra (spesso di entrambi!)
Potete trovare delle geniali ispirazioni per riciclare barattoli e lattine tra le partecipanti dell'Eco Craft Tour, la bella iniziativa pensata da Alessia, cui aderisco con questo post.
Eccole tutte qui:
Laura - Is Laura: come realizzare un fiore "da compagnia" con una lattina da bere
Beta di BimBumBeta: da barattolo di latta a lanterna
Chiara di Ideekiare:cestino fatto con lattina di birra e spago
Alessia di Alessia scrap & craft: fiore girandola costruito con barattoli e lattine
Alessia di Alessia scrap & craft: fiore girandola costruito con barattoli e lattine
Barbara di SpeedyCreativa: mobiles con fiori delle lattine e feltro!
Potrete inoltre aggiungere le vostre trovate e segnalarle sul blog di Alessia in modo da far girare un po' le idee!
Per conoscere invece alcune delle leggende legate alle costellazioni e per altri mille spunti legati alle stelle, vi rimando alla grandiosa raccolta di Daniela Mammagiramondo, e resto in attesa dei vostri suggerimenti, anche per bambini più grandi, perché mi sa che questa fissa, che è un po' anche mia, Puki se la porterà dentro a lungo!
Che ideona STREPITOSA, mi piace un sacco, ma tantissimo, complimenti per l'idea!!! :)
RispondiEliminaLaura! Grazie! Non ho ancora fatto in tempo a commentare da te quanto mi piacciano i tuoi fiori, ma arrivo!!
EliminaGrazie, grazie delle belle parole :)
Eliminaسرویس کار آنلاین
تعمیر لپ تاپ در محل
تعمیر پرینتر در محل
تعمیر تلویزیون
در پرینترهای جدید، قابلیتی با عنوان
Job Storage وجود دارد که شما به راحتی میتوانید فایلهای خود را در هنگام
پرینت داخل دستگاه ذخیره کنید و هر زمان که به فایل نیاز داشتید، بدون
نیاز به اتصال به کامپیوتر، میتوانید مجدد و به طور مستقیم از خود پرینتر پرینت بگیرید. حال ما این قابلیت را در پرینتر HP M477fdw برای شما توضیح میدهیم.
You are so much creative.
Eliminami piace..proprio un'idea poetica :)
RispondiEliminaGrazie mille Rachele! Fantastico complimento!
Eliminaok, io non sono una piccola Puki, ma ho grandi ossessioni pure io... e mi sa che, tu me ne hai fatto venire un'altra e la lanterna stellosa me la faccio pure io! ;)
EliminaIn effetti anche da me forse è genetica questa ondata continua di passioni e cadute nei tunnel!
Che idea meravigliosa!!! Non vedo l'ora che Rebecca sia abbastanza grande per poter condividere con lei la mia passione per lo spazio!!! Graziei!
RispondiEliminaI tuoi post sono sempre meravigliosi, complimenti! Barbara
Barbara, grazie mille!
EliminaAllora tu hai sicuramente molto da insegnarmi e idee da darmi! Io sono un po' una pricipiante, ho iniziato dai racconti perché è quello in cui me la cavo meglio e perché mi ricordo di serate in montagna passate da piccolina a cercare orse tra le stelle... ma se davvero Puki continuerà a mostrare tanto interesse mi sa che dovrò approfondire!
Bellissimo... Mi aggiungo al coro di complimenti, sei bravissima.
RispondiElimina:) Grazie! Il coro di complimenti è assolutamente piacevole ed esagerato, ma sono molto contenta che il barattolo ti piaccia ;D
EliminaQuante iniziative, sto diventando matta! Anche questa è bellissima, chissà, magari il mese prossimo...
RispondiEliminaSilvia, anche io vedo un sacco di iniziative, è un bellissimo segno, sa di collaborazione, di energie che si uniscono, mi piacciono molto e aiutano a trovare un sacco di idee nuove, anche blog nuovi che non si conoscevano perché un po' "fuori dai propri giri"!. Insomma, bello, vero?
EliminaFantastico, non ti dico che overdose mi son fatta ieri sera! Però alle volte viene anche il mal di testa, vorrei star dietro a tutto e non puoi (specialmente se sei mamma!)
EliminaGeniale, come sempre! Semplice ma divertentissimo e anche istruttivo. Grazie, Giada! :) Lisa
RispondiEliminaLisa, donna esagerata!!! ;))))
EliminaGrazie a te per i complimenti!! Sull'istruttivo non ci siamo ancora davvero a casa nostra (anche se resto convinta che tutto quello che si semina da qualche parte germoglia...), perché il nano per ora, giustamente, non si pone il problema dell'esistenza delle costellazioni, però che le stelle abbiano nomi e storielle come quelle amiche della Pimpa piace! Vedremo come degenererà...
Carina questa cosa...per Davide che vuole sempre fare lo scienziatino è perfetta
RispondiEliminaMa dai! uno scienziato? Puoi farla anche più veloce attaccando il cartoncino direttamente su una pila, se ne hai in casa di quelle grandi. A me funziona il barattolo perché faccio luce con l'Iphone, ma altrimenti si può ridurre l'aspetto, un po' pericoloso, del bordo del barattolo, che ho coperto con il nastro per sicurezza
EliminaBello!Bellissimo!E molto poetico...ma mi son persa un pssaggio...bisogna aprire anche il fondo della lattina vero??
RispondiEliminaAARGHHH!!! Aurora, grazie mille! Non l'ho scritto! Sì, bisogna aprirlo in entrambi i lati, adesso aggiorno con l'info mancante, grazie!
EliminaCiao!ma che bellissima idea!!!
RispondiEliminadevo ancora capire se piacerà di più a Mr. M o a Sara :-D
un abbraccio
Eeeehhhh, poi fammi sapere, che pure qui forse ha contagiato molto l'entusiasmo che ci ho messo io nel presentargli l'idea! Ovvero, poi gli è piaciuta, ma all'inizio mi fissava con il tipico sguardo alla "E mo' che ci faccio??"
Eliminabellissimissimo, questo devo proprio farlo! e poi se lo accompagno al libro del buio sai che storie??!! ;-) senti ma dai partecipi al contest di Artefatti, Mammabook e mio?? Dai, basta un'ideuzza piccina picciò e a te non mancano certo...:-)ciaooo, vale
RispondiEliminauff sempre più svampita..il link del contest: http://www.riciclattoli.com/2013/05/contest-vacanze-riciclose-e-fai-da-te.html
EliminaVAle!!! Si si, l'ho già scritto anche a Silvia, ci tengo a partecipare! E mi piace molto anche l'idea del contest! Me lo sono segnato già due volte, devo solo avere un pochino di tempo, ma l'idea, DECISAMENTE piccina picciò, fin troppo forse, c'è!
EliminaIdea geniale, bravissimi. Abbiamo segnalato il post sulla pagina fb di BAMBINI IN CUCINA.
RispondiEliminaFederica, grazie! Sia per i complimenti che per la condivisione!
Eliminaecco, non sono riuscita a partecipare...lo sapevo. Non ce l'ho fatta. Ma ne farai uno anche l'anno prossimo, vero? :-(
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alami yang mempunyai khasiat khusus yang bisa membantu memerangi sel-sel yang menyebabkan penyakit parah yang satu ini. Sebenarnya, pengobatan semacam ini bisa saja dikatakan sebagai salah satu pengobatan tradisional karena pada kenyataannya, pengobatan dengan bahan alami seperti ini sudah tersedia sejak lama. Jika dilihat dari sisi positifnya, tentu saja solusi kesehatan yang satu ini baik adanya karena tak ada bahan kimia berbahaya yang digunakan di dalamnya. Makalah Obat Buat Kanker Payudara Stadium 3 bagaimana mengatasi penyakit sipilis..? selengkapnya silahkan Cek selengkapnya
RispondiEliminaDan karena itu juga membuat penderita harus berpikir dua kali ketika ingin melakukan tindakan operasi ini. Tapi kesehatan tentunya tetap merupakan hal paling penting dalam hidup ini, jadi jika anda memang ingin mencari pengobatan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan ekonomi tentunya tidak boleh mengesampingkan khasiat dari obat tersebut yang harus benar dapat menyembuhkan. Cara Mengobati Wasir Sudah Menahun untuk mengetahui info tentang penyakit ambeien atau wasir silahkan lihat penjelasan selengkapnya
Vitamin E adalah zat yang sangat baik untuk penyakit kulit, dan kita dapat memperolehnya dalam bentuk lotion yang dijual bebas di pasaran. Tapi Vitamin E dalam bentuk minyak lebih baik dibandingkan lotion karean tidak diencerkan dan tidak mengandung bahan-bahan kimia seperti lotion pabrikan. Obat Kutil Kelamin Yg Dijual Di Apotik apa itu sipilis..? penjelasan selengkapnya tentang penyakit sipilis silahkan kunjungi sekarang
Jika kita ingin membicarakan tentang penyakit ambeien dan obatnya tentunya terlebih dahulu harus disertai dengan pengertian dan penjelasan lainya yang terkait. Dan dalam artikel ini dapat kami jelaskan bahwa penyakit ambeien berhubungan dengan konstipasi yang berasal dari penderita sering mengedan terlalu berlebihan pada saat melakukan buang air besar. Tapi terkadang penderita belum menyadari bahwa sedang mengalami penyakit ini hingga kemudian merasakan gejala yang semakin parah, diantara beberapa gejala itu adalah timbulnya pendarahan, meskpun terkadang tidak disertai rasa nyeri. Jika sudah begini, biasanya penderita hanya akan sadar jika sudah memperhatikan bahwa ada tetesan darah yang keluar dari duburnya. http://aelberts.blogspot.com/2016/08/cara-mengobati-wasir-yang-sudah-keluar.html kunjungi website kunjungi blog kami
Kita tentunya pasti tahu bahwa dalam menjalani kehidupan kita tidak akan pernah lepas dengan yang namnya penyakit. Khususnya bagi mereka yang menjalani pergaulan bebas serta kurang menjaga kebersihan alat kelamin. Salah satu penyakit tersebut adalah raja singa. Mungkin pada awalnya penyakit ini dianggap biasa akan tetapi dibalik itu semua cukup membahayakan kesehatan tubuh. http://www.pusatherbaldenature.com/2014/10/cara-mengobati-sipilis-sendiri-di-rumah.html Untuk informasi lebih detail tentang penyakit sipilis kunjungi sekarang
تعمیرات تلویزیون ال ای دی و ال سی دی، یکی از تخصصی ترین کارهای تعمیراتی در بین خدمات منزل است. تلویزیونهای فلت دارای قطعات و بخش های بسیار حساس هستند و بازبینی، عیب یابی و تعمیر برخی از آنها به دستگاه و وسایل ویژه نیاز دارد.
RispondiEliminaشما با ثبت سفارش رایگان در وب سایت یا اپلیکیشن خدمت از ما، از چندین تعمیرکار باتجربه انواع تلویزیون، قیمت تعمیر تلویزیون را دریافت خواهید کرد.
Visit Ancient Cities of Iran
RispondiEliminaEach one of the cities in Iran carries a world of unheard stories under their skin. Modern narratives woven with ancient tales are hidden across this land. Our goal is to take you deep into a journey through these cities with our trips. However, we want to show you a glimpse of each one of them through a written journey about their specific culture and people and anything you might want to know before your tour.
In this collection, we’ll introduce the essential attractions and natural wonders of each city for you to visit while you are on Iran travel. We provide information that is not just plain facts but deeper layers of narratives that are attractive even to Iranian travelers.
You could get lost inside the authentic space of each city by reading these articles. However, we’ve got to warn you that some of the cities once changed our bucket list of places to visit. We think they might change yours too!
Can you ungate a personal seller account?
RispondiEliminaUnfortunately, we don’t do the ungating for personal seller accounts. Amazon considers professional sellers more seriously compared to individual sellers. So, getting Amazon brand approval or Amazon categories approval is much more comfortable and safer for professional seller accounts.
Do I need to communicate with Amazon during ungating process?
No, you don’t have to. We take care of all communications with Amazon and will submit all needed documents.
نکات مهم در زمان خرید لوازم آرایشی
RispondiEliminaبرای خرید لوازم آرایشی، حتما به اصل بودن آن توجه کنید. همچنین تاریخ انقضای محصول را به دقت بررسی کنید. با توجه به سبک آرایشی، فصل، شخصیت و شرایط پوست خود، محصولی را بخرید که رضایت خاطرتان را جلب کند.
همواره به محصولی که در فروشگاههای مختلف، به قیمتهای مختلفی به فروش میرسد، شک کنید و مطمئن باشید که محصولات اصل در همه فروشگاهها قیمت یکسانی دارند. خرید از فروشگاههای معتبر را جدی بگیرید.
ما توصیه میکنیم که برای خرید لوازم آرایشی اورجینال به فروشگاه اینترنتی لیمادو مراجعه کنید. لیمادو یک فروشگاه اینترنتی معتبر است که محصولات اصل و باکیفیت را با بهترین قیمت به شما ارائه میدهد.
روش باز کردن لوله فاضلاب با فنر
RispondiEliminaاگر لولهی شما هر نوع گرفتگی داشته باشد، از طریق لوله بازکنی با فنر میتوانید به برطرف کردن آن بپردازید. لوله بازکنی با فنر میتواند به دو صورت دستی و یا دستگاهی انجام شود. وقتی صحبت از هرنوع گرفتگی میشود، منظور هم رسوب مواد و هم گیر کردن اجسام در لوله است. برای مثال گرفتگی میتواند مربوط به رسوب فضولات، چربی و یا حتی موادی مثل گچ و سیمان باشد و یا اشیائی مثل دستمال و … در لوله گیر کرده باشند. لوله بازکنی با فنر برای همهی این موارد گرفتگی لوله مناسب خواهد بود.
لوله بازکني تهران
لوله بازکني سيار
Damavand Mountain was registered as the first natural monument of Iran in the list of national monuments in 2008 and since 1381 as a national natural monument has been included in the four valuable areas in environmental protection. Damavand Mountain has been a symbol of greatness and glory since ancient times and has played a significant role in Iranian literature and history.
Damavand Mountain is located 69 km northeast of the Iranian capital and the cities close to this mountain are Amol, Tehran, Damavand, so that this peak is located 62 km west of Amol city and 26 km north of Damavand city.
The optimal choice of Damavand, 4-day trip, south route tour
RispondiEliminaThe fastest and safest route to Damavand summit is the south route. That's why this trekking tour package is considered for every physical capability for 15 to 70-year-old individuals. Through this package, you will be accommodated for one night at the hostel and two nights camping.
damavand trekking tour
It was scary as I realized how small humans were. I felt that when I stood next to the giant ancient structures from the glorious times of the Achaemenids empire! I wondered how they all died. So, they’ve left behind only these rocks from thousands of years ago living the most luxurious way in between these magnificent walls!
RispondiEliminaThe risk of Isfahan? I ended up not sleeping at night at all!
Singing and dancing under the historical bridges with people from all around Iran until sunrise was quite fun!
Kashan offers the layers of civilizations founded over each other, relatively. It was a long-time journey from gorgeous mansions of 100 years ago to ancient hills of 7000 years back. We visited lifestyles and buildings from thousands of years back, which made me dazzled. Then, we took rest at a pleasant Iranian garden, Fin from the 18th century.Then we settled down in the middle of the desert. But don’t worry. It was in this village, Varzaneh, surrounded by dunes on the ground and stars in the sky. It’s an old place as if you’ve gone more than 500 years back. That’s interesting to see how the residents subdued the harsh nature in their favor.
The stories heard and shared in Nowruz will bring so much newness to your perspective of what Iranian culture has to offer travelers from around the world.
we’ll get lost in the sound of the commemoration of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Moḥammad who is believed to be the symbol of justice and righteousness. Then, we stroll through the town watching people carry a heavy wooden structure called “Nakhl” that symbolized Hussein’s coffin.
Time to Win the Buy Box
RispondiEliminaMostly, your acquired products for online arbitrage already have Amazon’s listing, by which it will be shared with many other resellers on Amazon. To get the “Buy Box,” you should compete with them. Amazon awards the sale to a seller based on price, customer feedback, rate of order defection, and length of time selling on Amazon. It is essential to winning the Buy Box as much as possible if you want to succeed on Amazon. So
Lower your price as competitively as possible. This strategy will increase your chance to get the Buy Box.
Amazon likes the sellers who offer Amazon FBA service. So, fulfill your order in this way.
To have optimized price all the time, use the repricer software
You can send an email to your customer to follow up with them if they are satisfied with their purchase or not. It also brings you this opportunity to ask them to leave you feedback on Amazon’s review. Increasing the number of reviews is a positive point and will improve customer satisfaction.
Cons of FBA:
RispondiEliminaRequirements of Product Prep
There is a specific list of requirements for the products sent to Amazon’s warehouse and fulfilled by FBA. When you prepare your products, you must ensure that they comply with these requirements, from packaging to proper labeling. You should also follow the inventory warehousing guidelines.
More Returns
Sometimes, sellers frequently encounter return items. It seems it is because of the open policy of Amazon. Amazon arranges it in such a way that you will directly receive the returns.
As you are starting an Amazon FBA business, money is an essential factor. Although FBA is very handy, it is costly. The money that the sellers don’t need to spend at first, especially for low-cost items. Fees are calculated for these items differently, so you should be selective about your products.
Long-term Storage Charge
Sitting on inventory is not acceptable by Amazon, so you should pay an extra fee for in-stock products. For estimating if your FBA is profitable or not, you should consider this expense.
How to Find Profitable Products to sell on Amazon?
RispondiEliminaFor choosing products that drive more sales on the Amazon marketplace, you can have different strategies. Here we explain these accessible strategies
Amazon Best Sellers
If you are an entire newbie in selling products on Amazon, Amazon’s Best Seller Page is one of the best places to start, which gives you 100 top-selling products in all categories. Generally, their place is within the top 5-10% of any category. You can identify the products which are highly trending and sell in high volume. They have relatively low competition and haven’t been found yet by other sellers. Monitor Each Best Selling Product
Check each product in a new tab, and view all sellers. Look at these details to increase your opportunity:
On the listing, Amazon doesn’t exist as a seller.
It has a low number of sellers. Ideally 5 sellers, but under 10 is also acceptable.
Check the number of Amazon FBA sellers. It would be great if no one offers this service, but under 5 is also good.
Try to avoid big manufacturers, as it would be harder to sell.
Different Types of Online Arbitrage
RispondiEliminaAmazon online arbitrage isn’t the only type of online arbitrage, but it is the most famous one. Here we want to introduce other kinds briefly:
Amazon Online Arbitrage
It is one of the leaders in the eCommerce world and has more than 2 million sellers around the globe. Amazon has a different marketplace in different countries like the US, Canada, UK, so on. It attracts hundreds of millions of users every month and has a complicated logistics network.
eBay to Amazon Arbitrage
If a seller finds a product on eBay and lists it on Amazon for a higher price, it’s called eBay to Amazon arbitrage. Many products on eBay are second-hand, and if you are recording new condition items, you should buy new products and check them for possible errors and damages.
Amazon to eBay Arbitrage
In this type of online arbitrage, you can sell the items without possessing them. First, the seller finds an item on Amazon and lists it on eBay for a profit. Once a shopper buys it, the seller orders the item on Amazon and sends it to the eBay buyer.
It can make selling on Amazon much more straightforward, bring you Prime benefits, and increase the chance of winning Buy Box. But Amazon FBA business isn't a free service. It would help if you balanced between what you gain from this business and what you pay. In addition, Amazon's labeling policy is strict, and every item should have individual labels to be sent to Amazon warehouses.
RispondiEliminaHow to Find Profitable Deals?
The critical parameter to boost Amazon's online arbitrage business is finding profitable deals. Some sellers used to surf the web to find good deals on famous online stores. Another group uses analyzing and scraping tools to look for low price, high-demand items. The previous methods are time-consuming and can't meet busy sellers' demands. Sellers who are scaling their business need to focus on managing aspects and improving knowledge and strategy. So they can either hire a team of virtual assistants or purchase profitable leads from experienced companies.
It would be best to find great deals before starting your business on Amazon or other marketplaces. It's crucial to choose profitable items, so the sellers use analyzing tools alongside various methods to increase their sales and have a successful business.
Final Thoughts
RispondiEliminaIt would be best to find great deals before starting your business on Amazon or other marketplaces. It's crucial to choose profitable items, so the sellers use analyzing ools alongside various methods to increase their sales and have a successful business.
Purchasing online arbitrage leads list is a hassle-free method to source your items. Every day you can find low price or discounted items from different online stores without spending many hours searching and analyzing.
What are Online Arbitrage Deals and How to Start Doing it?
Amazon sourcing leads are created by experts and software and online tools, and it can reduce the possible errors.
The ROI of the leads lists can vary from 10% to 100% based on the provider company. So before buying any service, make sure the service can make you happy.
This article introduces you to the basics of online arbitrage. We learned what this less hassle and easy sale technique is and how you can start selling on Amazon on a tight budget. This method of selling eliminates the need to engage with the distribution network. But keep in mind that this method also has problems. For example, one of the problems with finding cheap merchandise in retail stores is to start online arbitrage deals. In this regard, you can always get help from expert teams and start your sales quickly.
Find Low Competition Keywords Triggering Product Ads on Google
RispondiEliminaYou can find them by entering 5-10 product niche ideas into “Ahrefs Keyword Explorer.” Then you should click on “All Keyword Ideas.” Put filter to see the results to only include Shopping Results & Low Keyword Difficulty. Click the “SERP” for each keyword, and find out low Domain Rank sites. A signal that shows the niche is less competitive is that you see several low DR sites on page “one” of Google.
Amazon Fba Business
Now, it is time to purchase the products after you have scanned them. Checking the return of investment (ROI) is critical in this step.
RispondiEliminaRetail Arbitrage
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